Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Healing Power of Ginger


The doctor of the future will give no medication,
but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. 
…..Thomas A Edison

The Art of Healing with Coconut Oil

“The Healing Power of Ginger

Ginger is an ancient & revered medicinal food. The Indian healing system of Ayurveda affords ginger the status of “virtual medicine chest”. Ginger has the ability to substantially reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural healing response to an injury or illness. Inflammation is intended to protect the body as it is healing & should subsids as the body heals. Problems occur when the inflammation rather than going away, becomes a chronic condition. This underlying chronic inflammation can promote & sustain certain conditions including: arthritis, diverticulosis, gallbladder inflammation, and heart disease. The inflammation rather than promoting healing, becomes a chronic condition & can lead to many other problems. Chronic inflammation in & of itself is often considered a disease process.

Ginger’s abiltiy to heal chronic inflammation, occurs because it supports the inhibition of two very important enzymes that play a powerful role in chronic inflammation, cyclooxygenase (COX) and 5-lipoxygenase (LOX).

It is thought that ginger has the ability to actually reset the body’s natural inflammation cycle. Remember, the body’s inflammation response is designed to protect & to provide a safe internal healing environment. As healing occurs, the need for protective inflammation reduces & the body should naturally become less inflamed. It is believed that chronic stress, along with internal & external toxins are disrupting this natural healing cycle.

Ginger also has many time-tested properties, such as:

Did you know that the what we think of as “Ginger Root” is actually a rhizome, or underground stem? 
It is best to store ginger in a cool, dark, & dry place. 
If you store ginger in the refridgerator, if will shrivel up & become dry & unusable.
It is best to use fresh ginger within 2 to 3 weeks of purchase.

In choosing a high quality Whey protein, make sure that it is the finest biologically-active, non-denatured native whey protein. It needs to be minimally processed in order to maintain the full range of all the fragile immune-modulating & regenerative components that are present naturally in fresh raw milk. Only use Whey protein that is made from raw milk produced by cows that graze year round on pesticide-free, chemical-free, natural grass pastures. This source milk must be GMO-free, MSG free, & Hormone treatment free

Ginger is easily introduced into your diet. Here are a few healthy recipes, that use Ginger.
Remember to use high quality organic ingredients, whenever possible.

Pork Tenderloin with Grilled Peach-Ginger Chutney
(I suggest using sustainably & ethically raised pork only)
(Raw coconut sugar, or grade-b maple syrup are healthier substitutions for brown sugar)

Homemade Ginger Tea
(Raw coconut sugar, or stevia are healthier substitutions for agave)

Pumpkin Gingerbread
(Raw coconut sugar, or grade-b maple syrup are healthier substitions for brown sugar)
(Since canola oil is often gmo, make sure it is organic. Or, substitute it with Raw, virgin coconut oil, for a yummy & unique taste) 
(You can use gluten-free flour, or a sprouted spelt flour, rather than whole wheat flour)

Mango Salad with Ginger – Raisen Vinaigrette

Sweet Ginger Tisane

Please talk with your Health Care provider before adding Ginger to your diet.

Written by Pamela S. Robinson 
© 2013 – 2014, All Rights Reserved



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The Healing Power of SuperFoods


“You are what what you eat eats.”
….Michael Pollan

Organic Veges

SuperFoods for your Health & Wellness

SuperFoods are whole, chemical & pesticide free, non gmo, ideally organic, nutrient dense food. A SuperFood lifts & supports your Body, Mind, Heart, & Spirit. I personally try to eat as many Superfoods throughout the day as I can. SuperFoods will help you to thrive in our modern day, stressful, & often toxic world.

SuperFoods are whole & complete. They come from the earth, rather than from a take-out window or a plastic shrouded bag or box.

People tend to focus mainly on what they “shouldn’t eat”.
Of course there are many things that ideally ought to not be in your diet, such as chemicals, pesticides, gmo’s, & processed foods.
A gentler, & often much more effective & maintainable way to change your eating habits, is to focus on what you can add to your diet.
I suggest that every week, or, even better every day that you add new food;
a healthier food; a tasty food; a food that healing at the cellular level….. in other words add a superfood… to your diet.
Below is small list of a few of my favorite & foundational superfoods.
Of course there many more superfoods that you can also add to your diet.
This is a good place to start.
And, remember, most importantly, to enjoy the journey.


Coconut in & of itself is a very nutritious food, that is rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, medium-chain fatty acids, & immune supportmany health benefits beyond its basic & foundational nutritional content.

Coconut Oil possesses many healing properties far beyond that of any other dietary oil. The coconut palm is so highly valued by many Asian & Pacific Island Cultures, that it is called “The Tree of Life.”

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica L. plant,which is in the mint family. They are native to South America & have been a revered staple food in both the Aztec & Mayan diets for centuties. There have not been many human studies on Chia seeds. That being said, the studies that have been done, do suggest that Chia seeds pack a big health & wellness punch for such a small seed.


Turmeric comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant & has a tough brown skin & deep orange flesh. Turmeric has a peppery, warm & bitter flavor, with a mild fragrance that is similar to oranges & ginger Turmeric has long been considered a powerful healing, medicinal food, that has long been used in the Chinese & Indian healing systems as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions. The primary healing ingredient in tumeric is curcumin, which is a curcuminoid.Curcumin is what turmeric its yellow color.

Whey Protein

Whey Protein is often considered a nutrionally perfect form of protein. Not all proteins are created equal. Depending on how the protein source was raised (pasture fed, organic, & ethical treatment) & how it was processed, has direct impact on your bodies ability to digest, absorb, & utilize the protein. Proteins combine with nucleic acids to form nucleoproteins, & are in the nucleus of every cell in your body. The protein Keratin forms your hair & nails, creating strength & flexibility. Protein is needed for healthy hormone messages between nerve cells, in order to regulate your metabolism. Myoglobulin & Elastin are a type of protein that make up your muscle fibres. Enzyme proteins break down the food you eat, & also regulate the entry of nutrients through cell walls, and the removal of waste-products from your body. Hemoglobulin is the protein, along with iron, that carries oxygen around the body.


Garlic (Allium sativum), is an herb that belongs to the onion genus Allium. It is closely related to the onion, chive, leek, shallot, & rakkyo. Garlic has been used for 1000’s of years for both culinary & healing purposes.

Garlic is a holistic immune system boosting herb. It is antiviral, antifungal, & also a potent antibacterial.


Ginger is an ancient & revered medicinal food. The Indian healing system of Ayurveda affords ginger the status of “virtual medicine chest”. Ginger has the ability to substantially reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural healing response to an injury or illness. Inflammation is intended to protect the body as it is healing & should subsids as the body heals. Problems occur when the inflammation rather than going away, becomes a chronic condition.


It used to be spinach, but, now Kale is quickly becoming Popeye’s favorite food. Kale is an amazing vegetable, that is gaining in popularity because of it’s exceptional nutritional richness, multiple health benefits, & it’s delicious & wonderful taste.

Kale is a green leafy vegetable in the Brassica family, which includes Brussels sprouts, collards and cabbage. Kale is originally from the Mediterranean region & was brought to the United States by English settlers in the seventeenth century.

Written by Pamela S. Robinson
© 2013 – 2014, All Rights Reserved



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